
12 February 2010

Oldies but goodies

I was attempting to organize freebies last night when I came across some of the older Told in A Garden Christmas ornament charts. OMG, how have I ever left these go unstitched?! There are some darling charts. The great news, if you are into stitching TIAG or Lavendar and Lace, is that they are still available on the website, Worth a look.

I also found a boatload of September 11th freebies. Some of them are really really beautiful charts. There is one really pretty one that has a dove holding a ribbon with the sentiment, "I Pray for Peace now, so I won't have to pray later." That sent chills down my spine. I noticed a lot of the pretty patriotic freebies I collected aren't available online anymore. It's kind of sad to me that, 8 years out, the collective outpouring of creativity as a way to deal with shock and horror just isn't out there anymore to remind us. I don't know if the designers just gave up, or it wasn't worth keeping the free sites up. I plan on stitching that and hanging it up for the summer season. So that I don't forget, and so that I remember to pray for peace.

I've decided that it's high time I start putting out more of my seasonal stitching. We have it out at Christmas, and, since last year, Halloween. But I want to have a lot more of it out more of the time. Especially my patriotic stitching, since there's so much of it and I love $th of July so much. So we decided last night that, from Memorial Day to September 11th, we're putting out my patriotic finishes. It's a good long time to enjoy them, don't you think? My Easter and Spring stitching is a bit behind, but it's catching up. I want to have those baskets of smalls I see people show off all the time, and I think I'm on my way.


riona said...

Thanks for the lead you left on my blog re the Bride's Tree SAL ... I'll be following up on it. I'll have to take some time today to look at the tiag website as well. I like your idea for displaying all your patriotic stitching all summer long. I am still working on Fall/Winter. Like you, I have plenty of Halloween and Christmas stuff but not much in-between ... so this year I am concentrating on stitching up Thanksgiving themed ornaments, pillows and stand-ups.

Pumpkin said...

I've been going through some of my freebies too and it's amazing what's out there! Don't forget to visit Dragon Dreams for her Valentine's Day freebie. He's very cute :o)

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped--Frederick Perls