
12 September 2012

Egg on my face!

I just realized that I have been calling my monthly project the wrong name.

It's the Little Bitty Kitty Quilt Club, not the Itty Bitty Kitty Quilt Club. Oops, my bad!

I feel dumb.

I can't even blame sleep deprivation, I was doing this before the baby.

At least I am making some progress. I have the frame of the September square done.

I did do something cool last night to make up for my dumbness.

I joined our county library. I haven't had a library card since college (and then, because I was 17, they tried to tell me I needed a parent to sign my application, but they relented when I explained my parents were 500 miles away, LOL) and things have changed quite a bit. I realized that I read so much, buying books is a waste because I only use them for a day or so, then they either end up in a box with other finished books, or in the donate box.  And, with trying to be frugal, that's a habit I can't indulge, at least for the foreseeable future. Plus, they have all kinds of books for Babygirl. I know she's young, but she pays attention to brightly-colored things, and large shapes already, and, when I talk to her, when anyone talks to her, she watches us so intently, I can't help but think she would get something out of being read to. And my own guilty reason, it's time spent with her doing something I enjoy. She has a little library already; I have already read a few books to her (I got choked up reading On the Night You Were Born), but I can see we will go through those quickly. So, I packed her up last night and we went up to Metro Crazyville and picked out some books to read.

And I have to say, faced with all the books the library had, without the restriction of having to have money to pay for them, I was a little overwhelmed, but in a good way.  I held back though, and only chose 4 books for myself. I found 5 books for her and read them to her before bed. I am looking forward to this becoming our thing; I can't wait til she gets old enough to choose her own book and read with me. Til then, we'll read whatever looks good.


Erin said...

Hehe...when my daughter was wee and I was home on maternity leave, I read "The Girlfriend's Guide to the First Year" to her. She seemed to like it... Now she is 2, and we read all the time!

Erin said...

Hehe...when my daughter was wee and I was home on maternity leave, I read "The Girlfriend's Guide to the First Year" to her. She seemed to like it... Now she is 2, and we read all the time!

Jennifer said...

On the Night You were Born does me in every time.

Good Night Moon is one of Nick's favorites.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Reading to my children has been one of my greatest pleasures and even now they are 'big' (21 & 18) it's great to still read out/share bits from newspapers nd magazines. My Dad used to read bits out to me too - it's a special skill that continues throughout our lives - enjoy x

Carol said...

Good for you for making good use of your local library, Rachel. As a librarian in a public library, I'm always amazed at the number of people who don't know all the goodies they can get for free just by obtaining a simple library card. Your daughter will love story hours and other children's programs when she gets older, too :)

Astrids dragon said...

I started taking Nathan to the library when he was young and he still loves it! He's almost six now and gets frustrated because he just started kindergarten and hasn't learned how to read yet!
Enjoy, enjoy!

Meari said...

Good for you taking advantage of the library (I used to work in the children's dept)! You will definitely instill the love of reading in babygirl by reading to her. I remember my mom reading to me, and believe it made all the difference in my love of books and school.

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped--Frederick Perls