
04 May 2009

What I've been doing . . .

It's done. I put the last stitches in this afternoon. I went home with a sick headache, probably aggravated by the fact that my co-worker walked in the door and started whining because, as part of the move, they're taking our water machine and the coffee machine, and she didn't know what she'd do til we moved offices. Um . . . buy water or coffee on the way in? Or from the deli downstairs? I realize our economy is tough, but filtered water or coffee is not a guaranteed perk of the job, nor is it worth whining about. And the pain was so bad that I swear my clients were sounding like the teacher in those Snoopy specials, and I just figured I'd do better in my bed.

I have a couple other WIPs, but they're downstairs, and I am too raggedy-feeling to go down and get them. I'll try tomorrow night.


Daffycat said...

Congratulations on finishing the afghan! ***happy dance***

Annie said...

That's a lot of kitties and each one is a adorable.

Hope your headache goes away. I'm sure the weather hasn't helped.

Pumpkin said...

YAY! Great finish Rachel! I've been seeing the progress pictures on the 123 Board :o)

Hope you feel better soon.

CindyMae said...

Congrats on finishing! It looks wonderful!! I do hope that you are feeling better soon!

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped--Frederick Perls