
27 January 2019

Fell off the wagon

I ventured onto Etsy this week. And fell off my no shopping wagon. I couldn't help it. It was one of those weeks. Found out we developed some manner of a mold issue in my garage over the past year, and I had to start throwing things out, some of which were handmade. I thought about trying to save the things, but realized that it just wasn't going to happen, and I am not willing to compromise my family's health for things. As much as it hurt, they had to go. But now I have to deal with going through every box in that garage and seeing what else was damaged. And this is stuff that was in plastic boxes, so it's not like it actually got wet. Most of my stitching stuff is OK, but there is a basket that I had stuff in that got ruined and who knows what else. I think if it was on the other side of the garage, closer to the house, we wouldn't have had this problem, but I don't know. I am trying to figure out if we put a fan in there, would it help keep whatever is causing this.

Even throwing it out is a pain in the butt. My town is doing a study where, instead of our trash being taken out of our taxes in a set amount, we have to buy special bags to use to put our trash in and ONLY those bags. They are $1.25 a bag, which isn't a lot of money, but at two bags of trash per week (cause I have a toddler in diapers), and a six month study period, it's adding up, and it doesn't take into consideration situations like this. I have been upset and, last night, I finally lost my, pardon me, my SHIT, over our trash. I went through what we had and told my family to start carrying the recycling out to the recycling. ALL the cereal boxes, the cans, the bottles, the milk jugs, it's all gotta go in the right bin. I think they got the point. But that still doesn't deal with what is probably going to have to happen if stuff is ruined. I told DH he is probably going to have to end up hauling a bunch of crap to the dump--we don't have to use the bags for that.

One thing, my hand doesn't hurt as exquisitely as it had been. I would not wish that ache on anyone. Even holding a bit of stitched aida on top of my index finger was like rubbing it with sandpaper after burning it. I can touch my hand now, hopefully a few more days, it will be back to somewhat normal. I am glad of that. It was scary.

So, I just needed a bit of retail therapy. And Etsy is about the cheapest place to shop on the planet for cross stitch stuff. I wasn't too awful. I bought:


and this!

And this.

And I couldn't leave this!

I think I could make a cute pillow or two out of some of these. I favorite a lot of small designs that might work on the Christmas tree, but I didn't buy those this week.

So that is all that is going on. I hope everyone is having a good week.  They are calling for 1-3 inches of snow here this week. I am OK with that, since I don't have to leave the house.


Judy said...

couldn't access Etsy with your links. And since there was no shop name, nothing was available. Darn.

Robin in Virginia said...

Rachel, sorry to hear about the mold issues and the aftermath of having to deal with that. I would love to check out the Etsy links you shared, but the links you gave are your transaction pages. Glad to hear that your hand is doing better!

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped--Frederick Perls