is finally finished. I put the last stitches in and popped it out of the hoop for a picture. It's stitched pretty much per the chart, though I did change out the flower centers--otherwise the red in her ribbon makes no sense. Now it makes little sense, but a little is more than none. Right?
We did debate about her shoes. I didn't like black. Especially since the dress color is the shade range my bridesmaids' dresses fall into. The girls and I are wearing silver shoes, so I thought about that, but I didn't have any silver thread at hand. I stitched them in white, but that looked cheesy and "80s" to me. I thought about leaving her feet off, but HTB said she needed feet. He said the black was fine, because "that's the only color they had back then." We then launched into a discussion of Jane Eyre, because he didn't understand what the writing meant. I tried to explain, as much as I remember from something I read in middle school. I admit, that is not on my list of life-changing books, so I stitched this more because I thought it was cute than from any real connection to the story. He liked it; now to wash it and mount it and wait for my dad to get my box back to me. I keep thinking how cool it would be to line the box with the scraps from my bridesmaids' dresses, but it would only work if things need to be highly altered, and I don't think I'll have enough. So I told him I'd have to go to G Street Fabrics (the big awesome fabric store for the serious sewer here) to find something that worked.
I don't know what I'll work on next. I need to finish our ring pillow. But I have some other stuff that is tugging at me to do. Hmmmm . . .
Very pretty... And as a literature major in college, I remember this line quite well. In fact, I wrote one of those memorable blue book essays on this very line: pointing out that, while Jane found Rochester unacceptable in his vigorous prime [admittedly bigamy was an issue], she was perfectly willing to marry him once he was emasculated by blindness and a crippled hand and a very dramatically tamed spirit ... can you tell Jane was not among my favorite characters?
I love Jane (unlike Riona) and I love that little design. You made good choices. It's so wedding appropriate.
Cute little design. Love the choice for her shoes. It suits that antique style.
Brilliant finish! I think the changes you made look just fine :o)
This is a really cute finihs. And when I read the title, for a moment there, I thought you had eloped! Obviously I've never read Jane Eyre. LOL!
LOLOLOL... I really thought you are telling me, you got married:8)
What a darling finish, Rachel--I just love it!
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