I have been promising pictures of my works.
Here is the finished Fatty SAL. The orange did end up melding nicely into the other colors, when all was said and done. It's a nice piece, if I do say so myself, but then again, Sanman Designs are fantastic. Love Love Love Sandy's talent and am so grateful she GIVES these away.
Tai Shan and Mei Xiang are coming along rather nicely.
I finished all the stitching but the backstitch on the left-hand side by Wednesday, so now it's just filling in the troublesome parts on the right. I haven't been able to stitch at the theatre, since we are prepping to release the 2012 season subscriptions, but, last night, we turned on Avatar when I got home, and I stitched while we watched that. Such a good film, but I won't need to watch it for a while after this. It must be something about James Cameron movies, but I always feel like I need a recovery period--the first time I saw Titanic, I cried for a good half hour after we left the theatre, and I don't cry at movies. I didn't cry at this one, but I still want to go to that planet--if they can give us the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, can't we get Pandora? LOL.
Do you ever get overwhelmed with your UFOs or WIPs, or just stash in general. We were discussing this on one of the message boards, and someone said when she tries to organize her stash, it ends up looking like a tornado hit the room. And I can commiserate. But I realized something: stacks and piles of paper, even charts, make me jittery. My UFO/WIP bin does as well. Granted, it's full to overflowing, and so going through the room without knocking it over and having paper slide is enough to do that to a person, but I realized, I am much happier when my charts are in binders, neatly organized, than if they are in "to-do" piles, or in totes. It's a wierdness. Does anyone else have this?
Very sweet 4 seasons finish, Rachel. Your panda wip is really coming along; what a lot of work!
I do not have a huge wip pile - I pretty much try to do one project at a time unless I have a really big one going - then I might have a smaller one going as well. But, I do not like clutter and if my craft room is a mess, I can't stand it. A clean room makes for a calmer me.
As usual, very nice work. I look forward to the panda finish. The Fatty SAL is cute, too.
As to your question about stash:
--I keep all my UFOs [there are about 12 of them in one large VB tote ... I plan to make them the focus of my own private 2012 Crazy January Challenge.
--I keep the charts I hope to get to "soon" in two binders kept in my stitching corner.
--I keep charts I have stitched in binders in my stitching hutch ... I'll be going through those ruthlessly as I stage my usual monthly giveaways.
--I keep charts and kits that I will get too "someday" in the drawers of the afore-mentioned stitching hutch.
--this hutch also contains all my scroll rods, q-snaps, hoops, floss and fiber stash and my finished seasonal pieces [ornaments, totes, banners] to be pulled out and used as appropriate.
--I keep my fabric stash in two VB messenger bags: one for the 28ct and one for anything of a higher count.
--my current rotation pieces [usually five or six projects] are kept in a tote hung on the back of my stitching chair and I have a smaller bag with two projects that I consider my travelling stitching bag, taking it to work to stitch at lunchtime or to appts. to stitch while in waiting rooms. I choose the two pieces from the current rotation tote changing things up on a regular basis.
This works for me ... I don't feel guilty about my stash since I made the determination to buy no more than five charts a year, curbing the acquisitive greed that so many of us fall prey to, buying every chart that catches our eye for even a second or two. I know that I am reducing my stash with each project I complete, that through my giveaways I am sharing my love of stitching with others and that I still have plenty to keep me stitching for years to come. I am content with that.
Your Four Seasons SAL came out lovely! What are you planning on doing with it, frame it or some other mode of finishing?
I keep my WIPs and UFOs in bins. I have one separate bin for the ones that I am supposed to be finishing up, and another for the rest of them. Things that I have kitted up already are in yet another bin. :)
Love, love, love the 4 Seasons Fatty finish. The colors are so vibrant. Your Pandas WIP is very impressive - so much intricate detail.
Congratulations on your Four Seasons finish, Rachel--it is very cute! Love that pink bunny...
I rarely have more than one or two WIPs--I am pretty much a one-at-a-time stitcher. I love organization and I love to organize--I'd better since I'm a librarian :)
I agree, SO CUTE! Congrats on your latest finish Rachel :o)
Your pandas are really coming along nicely. Are they going in the fair?
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