This is my most recent update on CItA. I think it's looking really good and Part 3 stitches up so quickly.
I put it down to get some other things stitched, but it won't be for long.
This is the finished "Brave Hearts." You'll have to forgive the wrinkles on it. Left-brain is downstairs, lifting weights and listening to Carmina Burana, so ironing is out of the question, and, after all, I think we've all got a few more wrinkles after the last 5 days, don't you?
I'm going to get it ironed and properly framed. The most important thing is that it's complete, in time to honor those who died on and as a result of September 11th.
Lastly, here is my little piece for Beazer.
Left-brain says it doesn't look much like him, but I think you can see a vague resemblance between that and his picture here:
I wasn't sure if the pinstripe fabric would work for this, but, in the end, it looks good, at least I think so. I'm pleased with it. Not a fancy project that is going to change the world, but it's pretty cute.
I'm going to start working on my scissor crypts this week too. I am making one for myself to practice my technique. I know I am going to have to alter the design a little because my crypts "talk", so I'm trying to decide how to cover the voice mechanism. I may have to have Left-brain weigh in on this. I'm also going to work on my ornaments for the ornament exchange. I really want to be on the ball this year and have everything ready early, so getting those done is a priority.
Thank you again for thinking of us here on the East Coast during the storm. I know people are complaining about the storm being over-hyped, but it wasn't exactly fun to go through, even this far inland. I am glad for the warnings we received. We did get some bad news; we had planned to spend our anniversary at Camp Hatteras, where we spent our honeymoon. Til we found out the road was washed out in several places. Left-brain was hopeful they could fix it in time, but they can't, not in six weeks, so we've regrouped, and I'm praying for the people that live in the area and depend on tourism for a living. I also found out that the wild ponies on Assateague weathered the storm. At least the Chincoteague herd did, no news yet on the Maryland herd, but I would imagine we'd have heard something by now if it was something bad. It probably sounds odd that I do worry so much about wild animals that would kick me and steal my chips given the chance, but I do, I guess I don't want my "perfect place" ruined. I will continue to pray for those in the Northeast who are still feeling the effects of the storm. We'll get through this together.
Glad you are ok Rachel! I was wondering about the wild horses too! Glad to hear about them.. Can't wait to see your crypts! Your other stitching is great!!
CltA is coming along beautifully, love the colors! Brave Hearts is so pretty and the piece for Beazer is so cute! You sure are going to be busy with all your projects in the coming weeks! I'm glad to hear that the ponies are ok too, I worry about the wild creatures too.
All pictures are beatiful!!!! BUt I espcially like the cross stitch of the dog!!!! The picture you and the dog seems so sweet!!!!!
CITA looks really pretty, Rachel. I think the rendition could be Beazers when he was a pup :) I love the tongue, lol. It *is* cute. Congrats on your other finishes as well.
Glad the storm didn't affect you too much.
I love your Brave Hearts piece, glad you were able to finish it to honor the 9/11 victims. I still remember that day like it was yesterday even though 10 years have passed.
Your puppy piece is darling--I think there is definitely a resemblance!
Sorry the Hatteras anniversary trip fell through. We vacation there each summer and it's hard to watch the footage on the damage they've received... I'm sure your revised anniversary trip will be wonderful, though!
Your wips and finishes all look great. Keep up the good work. I hear you about the freebies. I check Pinterest a lot too. I have a binder full of printed off freebies and when I feel the need to buy something and i don't have the funds, I refer to those patterns and they keep me busy for sure. I hope you have a great day and give that baby girl a hug from me.
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