
02 May 2012

A bit of preaching . . . but for a good cause

Just a warning, this may bother you.

Avery's blog

I found out about this blog over the weekend, a tiny girl who was facing a battle that would thwart strong men. Avery was a baby, born in November, who was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, which is one of the leading genetic killers of children. Avery was given 18 months to live, and her parents set about to make those months matter, to fit a whole life into the time she was given. The blog chronicles her bucket list.

Avery died Monday. Her father wrote a beautiful post from her as a tribute, but asked that people keep fighting the battle to find a cure for this disease. To share and forward her story.  And that is why I am here today. Because we can do our small part.

About 10 years ago, those of us who belonged to 123Stitch met a boy named Cole Webb. He was the first time I'd heard of SMA, and we watched him grow for a little bit more than two years before he passed. But, because of him, this charity was started

Cole's Quilts

It provides cross stitched quilts to children who have the disease and the families of children who have passed. It's a good cause. I've stitched some squares for it, it gives me a chance to spread the word about the disease. One of the stitchers in my stitch group, Ann, stitches tirelessly for them. Occasionally, we get updates and photos from the families. The quilts mean so much to them.  I don't know how many people know about this project, but I know I am going to start making an effort to stitch for them again. It's a small way we stitchers can fight back against this killer, and it means so much. I hope one or two of you will join me.

1 comment:

Sweet Shadow said...

what a terrible disease, and what caring parents, friends and quilters. such pain and such love shouldn't have to go together, but often do. i would be honored to pass the stories of these children on, and hope that other bloggers do the same. peace be with those families, and blessings for you who took the time to write this for us to pass the word.

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped--Frederick Perls