
21 July 2010

it's a bit disconcerting . . .

to, in an effort to clean up, decide to put all the random thread together, and find out that it fills up an 18 qt bin. This was just the unsorted stuff, this was not the wound bobbins of floss.

If I may be so frank, WTF have I been doing all these years?

Was this, yet again, the product of being chronically disorganized? I just bought and bought to offset the disarray and, instead, added to it? Or was it deeper? I know that, in times of great stress, I have a horrendous habit of turning to my stitching to feel better, and there have been times when it took S.E.X to fill whatever "hole" was open in my soul. And I do remember in the summer of 2006, there were some pretty damn big holes to fix. But this, this is RIDICULOUS. From what I have, apparently, I spent a lot of my 20s filling holes that others dug for me. Ugh. I guess because I had it all spread out and didn't have to look at it together, I could fool myself that it wasn't that much. But it is . . . and it's got to stop. But at least I am acknowledging the issue. And trying to stop it from spreading. That counts for something, right?

I went to Lowe's last night (had to get the storage tote that led to this discovery). They always have good storage solutions on their website, so I took a look in that aisle. Not a good idea--the best things they have are for closets, and they seem to be more geared for walk-in closets, which we don't have. I don't want to put my things on wire shelves that would sit out in the room; to me, that looks as un-put together as having it in plastic bins all over the place. I will keep looking. One of the benefits to where I live, being a college town, there are lots of places to buy used furniture, and we'll go there to look.

Thank you all for sticking it out through the whinging and whining. I promise this will end soon, LOL. I will get myself together!


Annie said...

Actually, it sounds like you could set up a cross stitch shop in your own home using your stash as inventory and you'd have a pretty full line! Good luck working out some kind of organization that works for you. I'm in a state of perpetual clutter so I'd be of no help to you!

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

I just went through my craft room too. I have tons of stuff, I didn't even know I had. LOL I call myself the Bin Queen... LOl all my cross stitch stuff is in bins, stuffed in a closet...

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

well Rachel, you must be my kindred spirit talking out loud. Maybe different holes to fill but man how we fill them. The outcome of it all is somewhat overwhelming at first glance but when you get some order to it, you will sit back, look around and realize that it really wasn't that bad.
Be always in stitches.

Missy said...

I purges my stash about 6 months ago and I couldn't believe all that I had stuffed here and there. I noticed that it was mt Taste in designers and colors that had changed over the years so the "cute teddy bears" went in the closet and the Samplers started filling the void.
Good for you for facing it all!!


natalysneedle said...

I always shopped for stitching supplies when I was lacking time to actually stitch. It gave me a sense that I was still connected to my craft. I also have tons of stitching stuff and need to weed out my stash. Best of Luck!

Anonymous said...

What better to fall into a pile of "stash" than the other alternatives!! I am working on finding the best way to organize my stash and maybe pare down a bit, maybe..that's a big maybe.

Pumpkin said...

I think we've all turned to our hobbies when we're down and low so I don't think you're alone ;o)

Bette said...

That's a lot of thread. But once it's organized, imagine how easy it will be to go to your stash and pull what you need. My problem is putting it back after I'm done with it.

Meari said...

Good luck with your organizing. I have a lot of stuff, too. Luckily, I have it somewhat organized that I can check to see if I have something before buying a 2nd or 3rd.

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped--Frederick Perls